I am so excited! The fabric for our dining chairs and window seat arrived yesterday. It took me forever to decide on a fabric. There are just too many choices! I was going to do a print on our dining chairs and a solid on our window seat, with some accent pillows in the chair fabric. In our forever house, with our forever furniture, that would have made perfect sense. The honey suggested that I cover the dining chairs in something that could be easily sold :) He knows me.

So, I settled on a beautiful, heavy linen fabric. It's a light brown/gray and I love it. I think it's really going to freshen up our window seat. Especially when I add some throw pillows. I'm pretty sure I'll use blue...Maybe buffalo checks?...Something easy on the eyes. I may do two bolster pillows. The kids are always up there and they often crush the blinds with the bigger pillows.
When we first moved into our house, the window seat was covered in a dog hair-covered, badly faded rose-colored gingham. Under that was this awful, out of date Laura Ashley mistake. We quickly recovered it in a cheapo cotton fabric that we found in the sale section for like $5 or something. The kids, gingerly, call the window seat, "The fabric" and when I think about changing it, it makes me a little sad. A little. But I'm still changing it :)
"The fabric" is where our middle and youngest children were introduced to their siblings, so it's a special place.
It's where we took that beloved first family of five photo that we'll forever cherish.
I don't ever want to keep something just because I have a memory attached to it. Thank goodness for pictures, right? I want to keep it because we, as a family, love it and it works for us. Changing the fabric will be a little sad, but I'm excited to brighten up our dining room/school room with the linen. You can never go wrong with linen.
Now where's that staple gun?...
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