Friday, January 11, 2013

Finally Friday

The past two weeks or so have been crazy. At least one of us have been sick. I hear that's the case for so many families out there. Now it's hit the little girl, which just happens to be the most pitiful one of us all to see sick. I'm praying that it's just a cold, although it could likely be something more, since Davy Crockett had a light case of the flu...I just hope not. She's still so tiny.

Needless to say, my goal of doing a complete master bedroom tour will have to wait until all is well in our house. I'm concentrating on keeping the house Cloroxed and every one happy, entertained, and snot free. That's a lofty goal, I tell ya.

Last night I went to my very first Mom's Night Out for homeschooling mothers. I didn't know very many people, but felt so welcomed and had the most wonderful time! I was a little sponge. It's like an underground movement. Homeschooling families don't fit the mold or the stereotypes that they once did, or did they ever? We don't all wear denim skirts, grow our hair indefinitely, and shelter our children from all things of the world. Before I became one of those moms, I felt like I could spot a homeschooling mom from a mile away (and I'm sure I have), but what I'm finding...what I found last night is that they're a lot like me. They're real women with real desires for themselves as individuals, as wives, as teachers, and as mothers. We're everywhere :)I feel like I came out with a wealth of information, encouragement, and confidence. I am so thankful that I was able to attend. Between now and this summer, I have a ton of research to do and books to read, but I no longer feel overwhelmed with all of the information that's out there.


I hear this weekend is suppose to be spectacular weather. I sure hope all five of us are able to enjoy it!

Happy Friday y'all!

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