Wednesday, November 14, 2012


I found this little beauty at Goodwill today. I have big plans for this chest! I spotted it in the back of a man's car as he was dropping off. I wasn't sure if it was rude to make an offer for it, but I did anyway. His response was way too high, so I just waited about .5 seconds and went inside the store and made them an offer. Accepted!

You see, we have the tiniest kitchen and there's just not enough storage space. Especially for utensils. We've made due and I've actually grown to like it. It's caused me to get rid of all the access kitchen stuff. Actually, that's been the case with our entire townhome. A few months ago, I got to a place where I just wanted to live with what I love. There isn't much room and I was tired of being surrounded by all the extras. So, I made a promise to myself to get rid of at least one thing a week. So far, I've kept that promise. It's been so freeing. Today I took six full bags to Goodwill. I had to blindfold the kids, but we did it. Now my closet is down to my favorites, plus a few mom shirts, just as it should be, right?

Now that I have the chest home, it's much bigger than it looked, but it works. I was able to store a lot in it and rearrange my cabinets, which work so much better for me know. It needs a paint job severely. I'm thinking of either using chalk paint or milk paint in lucketts green or mustard seed, something different from my usual go-to red. Either way, I can't wait to make it a beloved piece in my home. 


  1. Love the chest! I have been researching milk paint ever since you sent me the link to that store! Have you used it before?

  2. Thanks you! It needs a paint job so bad though.

    No, I haven't used milk paint yet, but I am super interested in trying Miss Mustard Seed has some really great tutorials on her blog that I've watched, so I know I could do it. I just can't decide on a color. I'm leaning toward mustard or Lucketts green.
