Edie, from Life{in}grace is one of my most favorite bloggers. She has the most fun-decorated
house ever, makes the most yummy-looking food, and she tells you like it is, while using "y'all"... I love her. Today she wrote a post, titled
4 Resolutions Every Mom Should Make. Unfortunately, I'm not one for making resolutions. I know people who spend New Years Eve going around in a circle, reflecting on the year and sharing their goals for the one ahead. I, on the other hand, would just prefer to laugh and drink champagne. Much better, right? :) It is definitely not because I don't have a million and one things I could be doing better in this new year, that's for sure. Perhaps it's because I know I'll forget about them when we hit February. Yeah, that's probably it.

After I read the 4 resolutions, it made me think about the huge responsibility I have as a mom. Huge. And it's an honor. And it's wonderful. And it's hard. And it wears on you. And it blesses you. And I could do better. Much better. The resolutions are easy, but putting them to practice every single day is the thing. But I look at my four and I want all things good for them and I want to be one of those good things, so I'm going to try my best to listen to them with my ears and eyes, to laugh more, be kind to them with my words and actions, and inspire them, instead of telling them what to do. I think that may belong on my fridge. Thanks,
It's Friday! Hope you enjoy your weekend!